Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Early Stage Mesothelioma Symptoms You Should Watch Out

Mesothelioma cancer is a disease attributed to exposure to asbestos. It affects the mesothelium, the protective layer that covers some vital internal organs on the body. Early mesothelioma symptoms can be very elusive that victims tend to ignore them or feel that these symptoms do not need any medical attention. Oftentimes, these symptoms do not even manifest until the disease is already in a severe condition, and that medication is already too late to contain or cure mesothelioma.

Early Stage Mesothelioma Symptoms

Symptoms of mesothelioma cancer often manifest fifteen to twenty years after the victims’ exposure tot asbestos, and these symptoms vary. What are the factors of these variations? Well, for one the severity of the condition is a great factor; other factors include the immunity of the person to the condition and, of course, the anatomical area of the body where mesothelioma developed.

Pleural mesothelioma: This develops in the pleura or the lining that protects the inner chest walls and the lungs, thus, the symptoms may include: shortness of breath, chest discomfort, back pain, difficulty in swallowing, persistent cough, fever, fatigue and weakness, unexplained weight loss, facial and arm swelling, and voice hoarseness.

Peritoneal mesothelioma: This occurs in the peritoneum, the lining in the abdominal cavities. Early signs of this type of mesothelioma include abdominal pain and discomfort. As the condition worsens, other symptoms begin to manifest as well, and these can include the following: abdominal swelling, swelling of the feet, unexplained weight loss, nausea and vomiting, lower back pain, bowel obstruction, anemia, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and weakness, and blood-clotting abnormalities.

There are other two subtypes of mesothelioma, but these are rare and only few case records are known. These are pericardial mesothelioma and testicular mesothelioma. The former develops in the pericardium (the lining around the heart) and its symptoms include shortness of breath and chest discomfort; the latter develops in the tunica vaginalis (the sac the surrounds the testis), and the only known symptom is the development of lumps in the testis.

Manifestation of the Mesothelioma Symptoms

Since the mentioned mesothelioma symptoms are almost common symptoms of many different health conditions, it is best that you seek medical attention, especially if you have been exposed to asbestos once in your life. Whether or not the symptoms turn out to be mesothelioma, it is best that you are safe than sorry. It does not hurt to go and see a doctor; at least, whatever condition you have, it will be thusly addressed and treated.

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