Top Causes of Mesothelioma Cancer
Developing mesothelioma has always been attributed to asbestos exposure. But aside from this undisputable cause of the disease, there are other mesothelioma risk factors that can be around us. Here are some common risk factors of mesothelioma, including asbestos itself.
This undisputable cause of mesothelioma has been favoured by builder and constructors because of its resistant nature to heat, water, other chemicals chemicals, and electricity; thus, making it an ideal material to build residential and commercial buildings. Because of this, many people have been exposed to this harmful naturally occurring mineral. Some have acquired mesothelioma because of personal history and exposure to asbestos due to their occupation, while others due to secondhand or paraoccupational exposure through people who worked and had firsthand exposure to asbestos. Others were exposed to asbestos in that naturally occurs in the local area, while others still were exposed in the asbestos that has been used as construction material in the building where they live or work. After many research results of many researches that links asbestos to mesothelioma, asbestos has been, since then, banned in many contries to protect the health of the general public.
In the past, the substance called thorium dioxide was used to conduct X-ray tests. But after the release of research studies that links thorium dioxide to mesothelioma, its use has been discontinued.
Zeolite Exposure
Zeolite is another naturally occurring mineral, whose properties resemble those of asbestos. Exposure to this mineral has been linked to mesothelioma development as well. In the Anatoli region of Turkey, most mesothelioma cases were/are linked to the presence of zeolite in their soil.
Erionite Exposure
Similar to zeolite, erionite is another naturally occurring mineral with properties resembling those os asbestos. Suffice to say, exposure to this mineral has caused mesothelioma cases in people living in areas with rich erionite deposits.
Carbon Nanotubes
Even though scientists have not expressed immediate cocern, studies are being undertaken to determine the link between carbon nanotubes exposure and mesothelioma. Despite not having a concrete result for this study, many have considered carbon nanotubes as a potential risk factor to the development of mesothelioma.
Simian Virus 40 (SV40)
Simian virus 40 or SV40 is originally found in monkeys and was used as component of polio vaccines. Certain researchers have discovered the presence of simian virus 40 in mesothelioma cells in humans and were actually able to create mesothelioma in animals using the virus. The link between mesothelioma and the simian virus 40 is still unclear; however, have removed the virus as a component of polio vaccines for safety measures. Further researches are still being conducted to better establish the link between the simian virus 40 and the disease, mesothelioma.
These are some of the common and attributed mesothelio risk factors. Although some of these risk factors are not totally established, further researches are being done to ensure the safety and information of the general public.
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